Organizer Resources

2022 Resources

RoS 20th Anniversary logo
  • 20th Anniversary-themed logo, courtesy of Chuck Hill, coordinator for Arizona. It's available for download as a JPEG version and an AI version (editable). A horizontal format version for Facebook events is now available here. Glenn Gunter (board member & Maryland coordinator) also recently converted our .AI file to EPS and made it available for download here.

2018 Resources

  • Poster template from Holland, Michigan, which can be easily edited for other events (Word format); 8.5 x 11 size - 11 x 17 size
  • Handout template (3-up per sheet) from Holland, Michigan, which can be easily edited for other events (Word format).
  • Additional handout template (3-up per sheet) from Holland, Michigan, which can be easily edited for other events (Word format).

2017 Archives

  • Official Event Posters: 
    Here are two that we've made available for you to choose from:
    - One from our Shenzhen, China organizer, Yan Yang:
    - One from Mark Hagar, our former MI Coordinator:
  • General pamphlet for handing out to promote your event:
    (PDF here; Word file here for easy editing to localize)

    RoS Classic Tribute logoWhat is a Ride of Silence "Tribute Ride"? An RofS "Tribute Ride" is an RofS event NOT held on the 3rd Wednesday in May, but fully sanctioned by the Ride of Silence Board or Directors, when family and/or friends of a recently killed cyclist wish to organize a Ride of Silence to honor their loved one. These are typically held near the time of the cyclists passing, or in conjunction with funeral services. We ask that you include "Ride of Silence - Tribute Ride" when reaching out to family, friends and cyclists when promoting these in your community. We also ask that you list these on the RofS website as you would a standard RofS, but note this is a "Tribute Ride", Whom you're honoring, and the date it will be held. The RofS "Tribute Ride" logos are available here and we encourge you to use them when promoting this special Ride of Silence.  Above is the RoS Classic Tribute logo (JPEG).  Click here for the RoS Ghost bike Tribute logo (JPEG).  Word document version of the RoS Classic Tribute logoWord document version of the RoS  Ghost bike Tribute logo
  • Public Service Announcement for "Ride of Silence," a global event that takes place every May in 48 Countries, 7 Continents and 50 US States (plus Washington DC). Footage is from Columbus, Ohio USA "Ride of SIlence" event that took place on May 18, 2016.
  •  The 2016 World Wide poster is still available in both Microsoft Word format and PDF.   Please modify the Word file with your local information and print as desired.  It was designed by our Secretary of the Board, Debbie Kaighn.  Contact her if you have any questions about using the poster.

  • 2016 brochure Word template - easily modify for your local event - three-up, 8.5 x 11" format.  Recommended to print on card stock. When cut into 3rd's, will take up the same foot-print area as a normal sized brochure you'd find in a bike shop.
  • A small PR card template - It's a 9X card to be localized and printed on card stock. Cut up into 2.5" X 3.5" cards. Carry when riding and give to potential attendees.

  • Logos

RoS Classic logoThe various logos available for your use are listed below: 

    • Updated logo:  if you're looking for our official classic logo, here it is in JPEG format - PDF & two EPS formats - EPS 1 & EPS 2.  By downloading the logos, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to abide by the Logo Usage Guidlines.
    • Word version of the RoS Classic Tribute logo; Word version of the RoS Ghost bike Tribute logo.
    • Click here for the RoS Ghost bike Tribute logo (JPEG).
    • Event organizers that are having their 5th annual event can use this new special 5-year logo which was created by Nicolas Rivers, our new Australia/New Zealand Coordinator.  It's available as a JPEG, a PNG file and an EPS file.
    • RoS 10 yr logo - JPEG format
    • If this is your event's 10th anniversary year you can use our 10th Anniversary year logo (PDF); also available in JPEG and EPS.  (Thanks to Michael D. Savino, Long Valley, NJ event organizer, The David D. Hammar Foundation, and Elizabeth Adamczyk, Chicago organizer for their work on the updating and creation of these graphics.)

      International Logos

      Our logo has been translated into many different languages for you to use.  By downloading the logos, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to abide by the Logo Usage Guidlines.

    • New as of April 2021: Turkish version -  JPEG only
    • Serbian version -  JPEG only
    • Greek language version (PDF, EPS)
    • Romanian version  (PDF, JPEG, EPS, PNG
    • Chinese version (JPG, 111k) - thanks to Yan kinn-wai from the Hong Kong Cycling Alliance for this adaptation.  Note: this logo uses traditional Chinese characters, as used in Hong Kong, Taiwan and many overseas Chinese communities.

    • French version (PDF format, 34K - thanks to Alain Couët, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, RoS 2008 organizer)

    • Spanish version (JPEG and EPS formats); thanks to Jose M. Benayas, Madrid, Spain RoS 2008 organizer & Daniel Gómez.

    • Catalonia version (Large and small JPEG); thanks to Albert Garcia, Coordinador del secretariat de la CCUB, Catalonia.

      More language versions....  We'd like to have the Ride of Silence logo in as many different languages as possible to encourage more participation around the world.  If you have the ability to create  and are willing to translate "Ride of Silence" into your language please send it to the webmaster for possible inclusion here. Please use the French version as a model for your language(s). 

    2015 Information

    • Here's a link to the 2015 National poster which has fields that can be modified using the latest version of Adobe Reader or Acrobat.  Our organizer for the Sacramento, California event, Sonya Lovine and friend Angela of Billings Art, submitted their poster for our contest (announced last fall) and we've selected it.  Please modify it and use it to help promote your events.   Some basic instructions:  Download the file and open with the latest version of Adobe Reader or Acrobat.  For the text in the text boxes/fields (we've made those pretty obvious if you read the text) - the PDF allows for rich text. This means the easiest way for you to change the font, size, lower or uppercase, etc., is to go into Microsoft Word, type your text...then format it how you want (center it, change font, change size, etc.)...copy that text...and then paste it into the PDF form field.  So, you can use whatever size font you want to use depending on how much text you are trying to squeeze in.  More questions?  Email the webmaster.

    2014 Information

    • 2014 International Poster - PDF version (example text) - PDF version (add your details using Adobe Reader or Acrobat); Alternate files (best used with Windows):  File 1 - File 2 (download both files then open and edit Word document) by Lacey Nickell (Clermont, FL organizer who lost her father, Harry Nickell in 2010) and Charlene Ruhge.  
    • 2014 International brochure / handout (tri-fold) - Word document for easy editing (courtesy of Mark Hagar)
      • Local Organizers may edit as follows:
        1: Post your local Ride details in the area provided.
        2: Delete one U.S.A. city (not Dallas) from the list of locations that participated and insert your location/# of riders.
        3: Delete a U.S.A. organizer’s comment and insert a comment about your local Ride.
        4: Delete a U.S.A. picture and insert one from your local Ride.
    • Updated RoS Powerpoint for 2014 (courtesy of Mark Hagar)

    Prior Year Resources

    2012 Poster(courtesy of Mark Hagar, former Mich. coordinator)
    Download this year's poster using this zipped file (34 mb).  Edit as necessary and reproduce to help you promote your event. 

    Powerpoint Presentations These can be played before or after events or at other bike events prior to the main event.

    PowerPoint Presentations

    PowerPoint Presentations  - Read Me

    Music for PowerPoint Presentations

    Windows 1997-2003 PowerPoint Presentation

    MAC 2000 PowerPoint Presentation

    MAC 2000 PowerPoint Presentation zipped

    MAC 2000 PowerPoint Presentation Self Launch

    MAC 2000 PowerPoint Presentation Self Launch zipped

    General Information

    Easy-to-use online, public mapping tool for your event route.

    Organizer Checklist
    - (courtesy of Elizabeth Adamczyk, Chicago Organizer) Use this handy checklist to help you better prepare and organize your event.

    Safe Riding Rules Handout template (courtesy of Mallory Hicks in memory of sister Paige Hicks)

    How to organize a Ride of Silence™ - General information and tips from Chris Phelan, RoS Founder/ President.

    Press release - Get the word out to your local media.  Here's an example of a localized press release (Oakland Co., MI, 2009) for some ideas on how you can modify it.

    Sample State Resolution - Approach your state's bicycling coalition or League office and ask for a resolution like this (thank you NC!).

    List of event calendar web sites - (PDF, 250K) A list of web sites where you can submit the details of your local Ride of Silence and get the word out.

    Release/ Waiver Form

    Ride of Silence™ Release/ Waiver (MS Word, 26K)

    Disclaimer: We make no representations as to the validity of the form in any jurisdiction, and advise those who might make use of it to consult with local counsel as to any necessary modification for their state. This form does not come with or imply a warranty from Ride of Silence that this form will protect them.

    Ride Handouts

    "Road Rules: Eight Tips For Safer Cycling", provided courtesy of Brushy Mountain Cyclists Club, provide useful information that you can hand out to your riders and promote safe cycling practices:

    Brochure to be run "front & back" on 8.5"x11" card stock and cut into brochures.

    Flyer (MS Word, 269K)

    Templates & Graphics

    • Sample press release (MS Word, 37K)
    • Small Signs (laminate and pin or zip-tie to panniers, jerseys, etc.; created by Mark Hagar) 
      • Ride of Silence (PDF - Word)
      • Share the Road (PDF -  Word)
      • Same Road, Same Rules (PDF - Word

        Prior Year Posters


    RoS large banners with messages design - 2 different sizes with RoS inspired messages were designed to be mounted to large boards mounted to bike-trailers, adapted from the design below by Tim Potter, E. Lansing, MI organizer (2010).  Same banner w/out the sponsor logos (JPG format).

    Ride of Silence Logo banner designs - 3' x 8', 2 color & 3 color.  Created by Jean Gorman, Tucson, AZ organizer.

    Mapping Tools

    A quick and easy way to map your event course and distribute via email or your web site is the free Gmaps Pedometer tool based on Google mapping technology (unfortunatley, it's now slightly dated technology, but still free).  It's easy to use even the first time.  It shows mile markers and elevation over your course to give your participants a great reference for what to expect on your ride. 

    Sample State Report

    Here's a report for the state of Michigan's events in 2008. Consider becoming a state organizer next year and helping compile more reports like this which really help people better understand the effectiveness of the power in numbers, stories, etc.

    Mentor Program

    For new locations or new site directors who have questions about starting a Ride of Silence in their community, please contact your state coordinator (see our Contact Us page) or

    Sheryl Porter, Secretary.